‘Vinnaithandi Vaaruvaaya’ was a smashing hit in Tamil. The film was directed by Gautham Menon with Simbu and Trisha in the lead. Now the National Award winning director is all set to make another hit with the Hindi version of VTV. The film will get on the floors on April 4, say reports. Right from his first film ‘Minnale,’ Gautham has been receiving offers from producers for Hindi remakes of almost all his films.
All the speculation surrounding the remake of Vinnaithanndi Varuvaaya in Hindi can be put to rest as it has been confirmed that the shooting will commence on April 4th. Prateik Babbar, son of Smita Patel and Raj Babbar, is to play the role played to perfection by Silambarasan in Tamil. Amy Jackson of Madrasapattinam fame will play Trisha’s role.
The project was delayed as Prateik was caught up with commitments to his Hindi film, Dhobi Ghat produced by Aamir Khan. But his dates are available now and he is also eager to begin shooting for VTV. Amy Jackson has spent the interim taking diction lessons in Hindi so that language will not be a barrier. AR Rahman has been roped in to do the music. The stage is all set for an encore of the phenomenal success of VTV.
So we can expect some great fireworks on screen with splendid music and great locations, yet again for the Hindi VTV.